
The reason writers write

Memorable writing that sparks imagination. Lean in. Hear the writer’s voice on the page.

Today’s Sparks is an excerpt from Sally A. Kilgore’s Blog, Daybits.

Three years ago, I fed Bob Kilgore his breakfast and he hopped up in the kitchen window to sunbathe. I sat at the kitchen table with my cappuccino, wondering what we had done. We had uprooted from a place we’d been for close to twenty years, a shady place of green lawn, a hilly yard, and the comfort of good neighbors. We had decided to downsize our home and build something fresh and new while we were at it. So, I sat in the new kitchen with Bob, sunlight blazing in, a sodded backyard, boxes to be unpacked. Our home – Mildred – was an island in a construction zone, surrounded by mud, with a porta potty next door. We’d been deliriously happy, the house complete, papers signed, movers bringing in our furniture. The rude awakening was, I had this pretty house, in a new place, and knew no one; the prospect of next-door neighbors several months down the line. I’d spent time over the winter drawing a garden plan, ordering drapes, and light fixtures. Now there was a lot on my plate and nothing to do but plow through. A moment of doubt and despondency washed through. I bowed my head for a moment, gathering myself and seeking patience, endurance, and hope.

As I lifted my head, something caught my eye through the patio door. I’d seen a flash of brilliant color just outside the glass and I wondered what I was seeing. On the patio was a blue, red, and green bird, so bright I thought I was imagining it. It was a mirage, perhaps a colorful angel dropping in to give me a boost. The creature stayed but a moment, flew to the fence post and perched long enough for me to see a bit more colorful plumage. And it was gone. I sat in that moment and thought, “I’ve been sent a wonderful affirmation of encouragement.” Later, I looked up birds and discovered I’d sighted a Painted Bunting. Extraordinary. Incredibly, I was granted another sighting the following spring, and the next.

This past week I received several emails and comments about the blog. People are reading Daybits and sending notes to share that my words bring smiles, encourage, allow peace to settle. Joyful affirmations which made me mentally sit up a little straighter and lifted my spirit, which for unknown reasons has struggled a bit the past week. Your words reaffirm why I continue to write my brain workings down and share them out to the world. 

The reason writers write is for someone to read. Putting forth words out into the unknown, feels like jumping into the big, blue ocean, with no dock in sight; invigorating and scary. Imposter syndrome is a browbeater. My brain likes to send messages down the pike that having folks who look forward to reading Daybits each week, a column published, a piece published in a journal; such occurrences are flukes. Some days I speak softly to myself in silent reminder that, someone is receiving my words and benefitting in some way. 

“Affirmation” was originally posted on Sally A. Kilgore’s Blog, Daybits.

Click on “Affirmation” to read the rest of this blog post.

Sally A. Kilgore lives in Texas and is nearly a Texan, after all, she’s been there for fifty-five years.  

When not pounding on the keyboard, you’ll find Sally gardening, filling in at the local flower shop or hanging out with grandkids. She is married to her longtime flame, sometimes referred to as the Big Old Bear, (B.O.B.)

Sally’s work has been published in The Dallas Morning News, The Blue Ribbon News, and Persimmon Tree.

Follow her blog, Daybits, and see what develops with her writing. It’s goofy, sometimes gritty and always pretty!

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