
Time Travel . . . Prompt #559

Think about a relative or an ancestor who you know very little about. You can jot down names or how the person is related to you if you don’t know their names. Take about two minutes for this.

Choose one person to focus on. Time travel to when that person lived.

Write about that person in a “take me back” way . . . using location or place, date, other characters or people who lived then as details to learn about this person.

You can make things up, imagine conversation, imagine circumstances.  

There are no wrong answers. Have fun exploring the possibilities of “what if?”

What if you lived during this time, what would you be doing? Where are you in this scene?

The Free February 18, 2021 Writers Forum event features Kate Farrell, Waights Taylor, Jr., and Bev Scott chatting about how to research family history and shape your story.

Writers Forum Details and Zoom URL

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