
What energizes you?

Memorable writing that sparks imagination. Lean in. Hear the writer’s voice on the page.

What Energizes You?

By Bonnie Koagedal

Energy is everywhere. We are made of life energy. A person can influence their life, health and others by sending energy through thought. I call these thoughts: prayers without movement.

Still mindfulness is a prayer. Thoughts are energy similar to words. They carry power and pain.

These teachings came to me recently as the pandemic shutdown escorted me into quiet times in one place called home. These teachings were told to me years and years ago. I did not grasp the fullness or capacity of energy through thought until the shutdown. This time was my vision quest.

When we can become no thing, no place, no thought as Joe Dispenza teaches we can affect our energy above and beyond our bodies. I was fascinated and obsessed for several months about these teachings.

As a child and into young adulthood. I felt I had too much energy for my own good. I bounced off the walls of my life and experiences. I pushed myself to have adventure after adventure and not stop. Like many people who experience trauma or tragedy, a dramatic circumstance sends us to another side of our life energy.

I learned to pray and turn my worry over to a universal God when I experienced the trauma of having a premature baby at age 38. She was born at 24 weeks gestation and was given a 5% chance of survival on the night she was born. She is now 28 and an amazing human.

What this experience led me towards was an ability to stop and enjoy the universe rolling on in my favor, whatever my favor was. I learned to clear my worried mind and let the universe provide. Inner mindful energy is a space I enjoy immensely now as much as being out and about meeting people and doing energetic hobbies. What energizes me is drastically different from what energized me early in life.

I gain great energy communing with my soul, my spirit animals and nature.

I am over the moon grateful for the authentic me that was able to emerge in this marvelous life. The art of “Be Here Now” is my mantra and way of living my life to its fullest.

Bonnie Koagedal moved to Sonoma County in 1986. She lives in Petaluma with her husband and fur friends. Bonnie enjoys soul seeking hobbies which include writing. Bonnie works in Senior Support Services part time. She tours families to board and care homes for a placement service. Favorites: Travel in her motor home and trips to her home in Arizona

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