Marlene Cullen's

Writing Workshops

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Don't know how to get started?
Want to recharge your writing?
This is the place!

Welcome to The Write Spot - an online writing community offering inspiration and writing prompts to spark your writing. Click on Writers Forum for writing workshop dates (Zoom and in-person workshops), Jumpstart for writing workshops, Newsletter for writing news, and Blog for writing prompts and places to submit your writing.

Writing with Marlene is a little bit of sanctuary. —Angie


Are you a published author, new to writing, or unsure if you are a writer at all? 
The Write Spot books spark creativity with prompts to enhance writing, resource information about self-care when writing about difficult subjects, and more. And they are entertaining, too!


Writers Forum

Writers Forum is on a break.

Free Zoom event: A place to learn and chat about writing. Details on the Writers Forum page.

Great group of people, great readings, great discussions. — Patricia

Jumpstart Writing Workshops

On the Zoom platform. Contact Marlene for information about Jumpstart Writing Workshops.

I enjoyed everything: the prompts, the atmosphere and the variety of writing. — Sherry

The Write Spot Blog

Most Recent Posts

Surrender for Inspiration

Note from Marlene:Grant Faulkner’s musings on his Substack page are golden comfort to a writer’s soul, offering unique perspectives that inspire writing. For example, his essay on “Surrender as Action Verb.” “When we surrender ourselves to our art, we allow ourselves to soften. Surrender invites us to give ourselves up to something larger, to meld with wonder and awe. Surrender creates intimacy and expansiveness at the same time. It sparks curiosity, exploration. It’s the equivalent of going to sleep: by sinking into an unconscious state, we allow dreams to fill us. We give up trying to change and control things. The rigidities of expectations, desires, and aspirations melt away. Think what would change if you allowed yourself to surrender in a conversation. What if you committed to listening, to let another’s words and spirit rise up and take you instead of focusing on your point of view, your needs. What…

The Write Spot Blog is a writing gold mine of information, help, and encouragement. — Kelly

Lighting the path for reflection
The Write Spot Blog