Marlene Cullen's

Writing Workshops

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Don't know how to get started?
Want to recharge your writing?
This is the place!

Welcome to The Write Spot - an online writing community offering inspiration and writing prompts to spark your writing. Click on Writers Forum for writing workshop dates (Zoom and in-person workshops), Jumpstart for writing workshops, Newsletter for writing news, and Blog for writing prompts and places to submit your writing.

Writing with Marlene is a little bit of sanctuary. —Angie


Are you a published author, new to writing, or unsure if you are a writer at all? 
The Write Spot books spark creativity with prompts to enhance writing, resource information about self-care when writing about difficult subjects, and more. And they are entertaining, too!


Writers Forum

Writers Forum is on a break.

Free Zoom event: A place to learn and chat about writing. Details on the Writers Forum page.

Great group of people, great readings, great discussions. — Patricia

Jumpstart Writing Workshops

On the Zoom platform. Contact Marlene for information about Jumpstart Writing Workshops.

I enjoyed everything: the prompts, the atmosphere and the variety of writing. — Sherry

The Write Spot Blog

Most Recent Posts

Re-visioning aka editing

“An editor’s  job is to make you, the author, look good and save you from embarrassing mistakes.” — Unknown source Hiring an editor is like looking in a mirror before you leave the house, checking to make sure everything is where it should be and nothing is showing that shouldn’t be showing. — Marlene Cullen Editing is like a captain having a good crew to help steer the craft. — Marlene Cullen Let’s talk about editing. Or, as I like to think: Re-visioning. Some writers love to edit . . . making their writing better and better. Other writers loathe to edit . . . finding it tedious and nerve wracking. Some writers are in the middle, or elsewhere, on the continuum. The best scenario: Writers and editors work together as they dovetail their skills and expertise to come up with a product that is ready for publishing. It’s a…

The Write Spot Blog is a writing gold mine of information, help, and encouragement. — Kelly

Lighting the path for reflection
The Write Spot Blog