April 2024 Newsletter

Welcome to The Write Spot Newsletter about writing events and writerly tips.


Writerly Connections

Since writing is usually a solitary endeavor, it can get lonely.

And, there is so much writing information and misinformation, it’s hard to know who to trust.

For writing information as well as meeting writing friends, consider joining an association or follow a writing blog.

A list of trustworthy blogs is at the end of this newsletter.

Writing Events

Recovery Writing: April 4.
6 pm, to 7:30 pm (Pacific).
Free on Zoom.
Registration is required to attend.
Details: Writers Forum

Write! Just Write! Accountability Write-Ins with Grant Faulkner

On Zoom. A bargain at $39 per month.
Starts April 1, although you can join any time.
5 pm to 7 pm (Pacific Time)
How each session works

~ Grant will start each session with a 5-minute talk on writing—some thoughts on developing a creative mindset, overcoming creative obstacles, or writing craft topics.
~ Grant will provide an optional writing prompt.
~ You'll write—including Grant, who will write alongside you.
~ At the end you’ll do a check-in on our goals
~ Grant will answer a writing-related question at the end of each session.

Want to be published?

Consider submitting to an anthology.

The California Writers Club (CWC)
You don't have to live in California to join a CWC branch. I suggest the Redwood Writers branch because they produce one or two anthologies per year and have a lot of contests.

Places to submit

“Fear of submitting” is a real thing! After you submit your writing a couple of times, it gets easier.

If you are interested in submitting your writing, take a look at Places to submit  on my blog, The Write Spot Blog.

Some of these posts are old. Some publications may have gone out of business.

A brief selection of publications that want your memoir, creative non-fiction, or personal essays and links to the publications:

Good Housekeeping wants your story
The Ravens Perch
Cleaver Magazine
New Millennium
More Chicken Soup for the Soul

How to write a riveting essay: Write about a pivotal event, where you were not the same at the end of the day as you were at the beginning of the day.
Blog Post on writing about pivotal events :  Personal Essay – Pivotal Event Plus

Writing Blogs and Writing Websites
A small sample of trustworthy writing blogs and websites.


Brevity Blog
Creativity Goes Wild
Jane Friedman
Nathan Bransford
Writer Granny's World by Nancy Julien Kopp
Writers In The Storm


Kidlit-Mary Kole: Writing and publishing children's books.
Margie Lawson: Writing teacher specializing in deep editing techniques to create page turners.
Nina Amir: Coaches writers from idea to product.  
Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America: Promote, advance, and support science fiction and fantasy writing.
Sonoma County Literary Guide: Literary Newsletter and Calendar for Sonoma County, California
Wired For Story: Lisa Cron, story-writing coach
Write Livelihood: Jordan Rosenfeld's writing classes and more.
Writers Helping Writers: A collection of unique resources to improve writing.

Just Write!



Lighting the path for reflection
The Write Spot Blog