Homonyms (also called homophones) are words that sound like one another but have different meanings. Some homonyms are spelled the same, like bark (the sound a dog makes) and bark (the outer layer of a tree trunk). Enchanted Learning
Freewrites mean writing freely. You are free to write whatever you want.
Use any or all of the following words in a freewrite:
Flower – Flour Beach – Beech Bough – Bow
Fur – Fir Morning – Mourning Birth – Berth
Red – Read Time – Thyme Eye – Aye
New – Gnu You – Ewe You’ll – Yule
If ewe are knew too freewwrites oar kneed eh refresher . . .
If you are new to freewrites or need a refresher:
Freewrites . . . What Do You Call Them?
What is a freewrite and what is a writing prompt?
If yule cast yer aye on the Festive Spirit Blog Hop ewe mite read sum thing gnu and interesting!
James Seamarsh
Tether cut, the newborn floats, adrift, ripped from safe berth by birth.
mcullen Post author
Ohhhhhh…….ahhhhhh….. amazing writing! Totally satisfying . . . Clever, creative and thought-full. Writing that is worth re-reading and contemplating.