
Perspective . . . Prompt #658

I like the idea of looking at familair things with a new perspective.

This writing idea is from Kathryn Petruccelli:

Look at something in your environment, perhaps something you’ve seen many times before, that you think you know well.

It could be a piece of art hanging in your house, or a plant on your windowsill.

Get close and look again. Re-see it.

After you’ve spent some time with it, create a list of metaphors—things it looks like, or reminds you of.

Don’t be too attached to logic, be free with your associations.

Maybe the comparisons will get wild as you go along.

At some point, break the pattern of the list and slow things down by going deeper into description for one metaphor (extend it and explain it in more detail), or by making a statement—a simple subject-verb sentence—that reflects on or summarizes what you’ve said so far.

Note from Marlene: Use your list as seeds for future writing.

Join Kathryn Petruccelli for a summer of poking around in poetry.

Write Spot Blog Posts about similes and metaphors:

Describe colorful character using similes and metaphors

Innovative Technique for Creative Writing

An experience in nature

Just Write!

#iamwriting #iamawriter #justwrite #iamapoet

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