
Publishing is a journey, not a destination. — Jennifer Lynn Alvarez

Publishing is a journey, not a destination. — Jennifer Lynn Alvarez, author of The Pet Washer and Guardian Herd – Starfire.

Jennifer was an amazing presenter at Writers Forum in Petaluma, summer of 2014.  If you have an opportunity to hear her speak, or attend her author’s event . . . go for it!  She’s warm, friendly and has a herd of information about publishing . .  .both traditional publishing and self-publishing. She has done both and has stories to tell!  She is welcome back at Writers Forum anytime! She’s a good writer, too!



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  1. Kathy Myers

    I agree with Marlene; Jennifer’s energy was infectious. She generously shared her personal knowledge of publishing challenges; the good, the bad, the exhilarating and the frustrating. I spent the next day reviewing her handouts and my numerous notes (I got a touch of writers cramp scribbling fast and furious) Her website has numerous essays on a variety of topics—take a look see. Jennifer’s website: http://www.jenniferlynnalvarez.com/

  2. Ke11y

    It is my belief, a belief borne out by limited experience, that as an amateur writer presenting my work on-line. I have often become the target of people who appeal to my vanity and vulnerability. I’ve learned that I can get a book into print for as little as $500. If there are those who wish to proceed down this avenue, then all strength to you, but being made aware of scams can only be helpful.

    These scams are brilliantly conceived and appeal to the ‘need’ in beginning writers, (such as I) to see their words in print. I guess I happen to be at an age when I understand instinctively that people will do almost anything to make a buck. My particular viewpoint is one where the ‘Vanity Press’ is not the right way to go. But that is me.

    Sure, if that is the way someone else wants to go, I say go ahead and good luck. I hope you’ll be discovered.

    I have friends who, being highly intelligent individuals, after working through a writer’s workshop, were taken in by ‘Vanity Publishers’. It cost one of them $1200 and the other $550. They each got fifty books that basically fell apart on opening.

    What I’ve learned to watch out for:

    • Any agent or publisher who asks for money no matter how little. Pay entry or reading fees (no matter how small) ONLY after checking the publication.

    • Any literary activity or service which asks for money after you’ve responded to its ad which did not indicate a charge. In brief, beware of advertisements for free services.

    • Anything that sounds like another well-known literary activity but isn’t.

    • Any organization (educational or professional), publication, editor or publisher that only has a Post Office Box number, no phone and/or personal name.

    • Conversely, beware of publications and organizations that are clearly one-person operations.

    • Any mail request for money or membership put out on flyers that appear to have come off a poor typewriter and a sick copier. (However, fancy brochures do not a legitimate organization make.)

    • Organizations, organizers, publications, publishers, instructors, judges none of whom appear in any of the standard reference works. (However, just because it has a “name” does not mean it is quality or legitimate. We know of organizations that use names without permission. We try, but it’s too large a task.)

    • Claims to be non-profit, but not granted the 501(c) nonprofit status by the IRS.

    • Beware of anything that smacks of vanity publication. One signal for a magazine or anthology is if it does not give contributors’ copies. Remember: “Pride Cometh only after a check.”

    This all sounds very negative. I’m sure there are positive stories out there. This is simply my experience.

    What is yours?

    1. mcullen Post author

      Good advice, Kelly. Spot-on!

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