Write about your first car, someone else’s first car, or your fictional character’s first car. You can use this as a way to get to know your fictional character better. You probably won’t use this information in your fiction, but you might! Write about a first car. See where it takes you.
Tag: writing prompt
What are you angry about? Prompt #189
Prompt #1: What are you angry about? Mad about? Annoyed about? Complain! Go ahead and vent. Spit it out. You can answer from your experience, or from your fictional character’s point of view. Prompt #2: Regarding Prompt #1, is there anything you can do about it? If yes, write possible solutions, compromises, ideas, brainstorm. If not, let it go. Write about how you can release it, breathe it away, banish it, whisk it away. How can you let go of your fears, worries, annoyances? How can you just let go?
Sensory Detail – Taste
When writing simmers with sensory detail, readers digest the story and perhaps, are satiated with emotionally charged memories. Do you remember dipping graham crackers in milk and eating it quickly before it broke off and became a soggy mess? You might use something like this in a scene where the hero/heroine has just been dumped by a boyfriend/girlfriend. Perhaps your character can’t make decisions. Employ a scene where he taste tests while walking a buffet line; a bite here, a nibble there, unable to settle on a nourishing decision. Employ sensory detail to involve readers in the story’s emotional ingredients. Match emotions with taste receptors: Bitter: She recoiled and didn’t know whether it was from her bitter coffee or his abrupt, “We’re done.” Salty: “The oysters were so fresh they tasted like my tears. I closed my eyes to feel the sensation of the sea.” — Laura Fraser, “Food for…
Growing up . . . Prompt #188
Start writing with this phrase: “Growing up” . . . and then, just start writing! Today’s writing prompt: Growing up . . .
Things I’ve Learned. . . Prompt #187
Make a list. Write about things you have learned. Today’s Prompt: Things I’ve learned. . .
Writing as an organic process. . .
“Think of writing as an organic, developmental process in which you start writing at the very beginning – before you know your meaning at all – and encourage your words gradually to change and evolve. Only at the end will you know what you want to say or the words you want to say it with.” –Peter Elbow
See your story and tell it.
Relax into your chair. Escort your inner critic . . . your editor out the door. Shed your ideas about what perfect writing means. Give yourself permission to write the worst stuff possible. Writing isn’t about talent, it’s about practice. Creative writing is an act of discovery. Take a deep breath. Relax into your breathing. Rather than write for an audience, write from an instinctual level. Immerse yourself in writing. Let go of your worries. Just let go. Write to satisfy an inner desire and to go to a meaningful place, that’s all your own. Go deeper into the recesses of your mind and really write. Write to get to a powerful level – not for an audience. If you notice thoughts and feelings that cause discomfort, take a deep breath and exhale. Look around the room. Get up and walk to a window, or get a drink of cool,…
Zazzle. . . . Prompt #186
Today’s writing prompt: Zazzle You can write about something that happened to you, something that happened to someone else, or write fiction. I look forward to reading your writing about Zazzle.
Random Words + Photo . . . Prompt #184
Today’s random words writing prompt: honey, drunk, fast, feet, power, languid You can also use the photo below as a writing prompt. It will be fun to see what you do with this!
What does “show rather than tell” mean?
Writers have been told to “show” rather than “tell.” Do you wonder what that means? Barbara Poelle, “Funny You Should Ask,” Writer’s Digest, September 2015 says this about that: “Telling supplies information while showing explores information. In order to expand a narrative into more showing, think about the complete sensory experience of a scene.” If you rely on narrative, you run the risk of an “information dump,” where you give all the facts in a few sentences. Poelle suggests, and I agree, “Don’t fall into the trap of quickly getting information ‘out of the way’ so you can ‘get to the story.’ . . . Take your time to explore [the facts] through action, dialogue and the senses of the characters involved.”This way, you set the scene with a “kinetic feel.” All well and good, but what does this really mean? I played around with some scenarios: #1: I set…